Community Service 2023

California Prep or CPIS volunteer team composed of Central Student Council (CSC)

Officers led by Shane-G12 and Teachers led by T. Mhike, the middle/high school

Section head, left the campus at 4:00 am and headed to Bilay’s House Orphanage in

Taklung District, Rachaburi Province last January 22, 2023, Sunday, to express love to

the orphans as a part of their community service. The CSC officers approved the said community service project three months before the said trip and started doing the fund-raising campaign.

Fund-raising strategies were developed by the CSC officers. CSC volunteers raised funds in various approved ways like selling some stuff and outright giving. Some volunteers were stationed in different areas of the school building to receive donations in cash  or in kinds.

Christmas Benefit concert titled “Sharing Love” was held for donors to have an opportunity to share their blessings with the orphans.  Those who attended the concert onsite witnessed the Christmas Tree where to place their donations. Online viewers were encouraged to participate through online banking.

The volunteers purchased goods like food supplies, school stuff,  kitchen utensil, and personal stuff for the orphans. To transport the volunteers and donated items two vans and two trucks were used under the sponsorship of the school and the CSC. The donated goods and stuff were distributed to the orphans after a short program. The mission of generosity and service took place on a serene campus with many orphans. After this, the team returned to CPIS campus and arrived at 7:00 pm on the same day.

Every year, the CSC promotes a community service project. This is an application of the lessons learned in values classes such as love, generosity, and humanitarian touch that students have learned in values classes. In brief, this is love in action!

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