Last February 24, 2023, Middle-school and High-school students returned from a three-day camping at Saptai STEM Camp located in Khao Yai, Nakhon Ratchasima province. The camp was organized by T. Mhike and T. Kuls and assisted by the MS-HS teachers together with the Saptai Camp staff. It aimed to give students the opportunity to be exposed to the outdoor environment and to learn through hands-on activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.

The students were split into four units (Dolphins, Moose, Fox, Panthers) and supported by the teachers assigned. The first day started with campers learning about trees, navigating a compass, measuring tree canopy coverage, swimming and other outdoor activities. The day ended with a campfire and roasting of marshmallows, corn, and crackers.

On the second day, students put their skills and endurance to a test. It started with a hike while learning about the environment and was followed by parachute-making and cloth painting. Talents in acting were then showcased during the evening activities.

The final day of the camp was the toughest of all since it was a test of everyone’s stamina. It was a long hike organized by the park rangers at Khao Yai National Park! Such was a fun-filled hike which gave students more bonding time with their friends and teachers while enjoying the magnificent scenery.

Overall, the CPIS Camp 2023 was a great success. Students had the opportunity to challenge themselves and learn valuable skills in a safe and supportive environment. The camp activities concluded with the Blue Dolphins as the champions, Pink Panthers as 1st Runner-up, and a tie for 2nd Runner-up for Green Moose and Red Fox. Everyone had fun and made memories that will last a lifetime!

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