CPIS Students Join NST Fair 2020

California Prep’s Ninety students and fourteen chaperons went on a science educational field trip specifically to join the “NST Fair 2020” (National Science Technology) held at the Impact Arena in Muang Thong Thani last November 18, 2020. With seven teams, the students left CPIS campus at 8:50 am on busses and vans and returned 3:00 pm.

The main objective of the students was to complete their science projects by noting the various booths highlights related to their specifically chosen projects. The chaperons accompanied the students in their activities for safety reason. One of the best attended booths by the CPIS students was the STEAM4 INNOVATOR. This particular booth introduced and discussed with the students the 4 Stages for Innovators: 

1= Inspiration & Imagination (Insight) with four bullet points such as interview, empathize, define, and problem statement;

2= Ideation= Wow Idea;

3= integration= Business Model (prototyping, business analysis, and business matching); and

4= Implementation (production and diffusion).

The above appeared to be captures through the interplay of science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics, and other relevant sciences.

The event’s coordinating committee members were TDuen, TJuby, TMhike, TLenie, and TNing.

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